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The Progressive Miami International Boat Show returns to Virginia Key from February 14-18, 2019, marking the annual event’s 78th year here in Miami. The Show is a must-see for recreational boaters, but there’s a lot more to it than just the latest and greatest in boats and marine gear.
Whether you’re a boater or not, the Show’s impact on our local economy should catch your attention. Nationally, recreational boating is a $170 billion industry – that’s according to the Boat Show’s parent organization, the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA). When that impressive figure is broken down by state, Florida makes up the biggest slice of the boating pie at $23.3 billion in economic impact. The Miami International Boat Show itself generates an impressive $854 million statewide economic impact every single year, greater than the impact of hosting two – yes, two – Super Bowls here in Miami-Dade County. In total, the event draws approximately 100,000 attendees each year, filling 3,000 room-nights in downtown Miami alone, and drawing visitors from 35 countries to Miami-Dade County.
If you go beyond the numbers and take a look around Miami-Dade County, it also becomes clear just how much the recreational boating industry supports our local economy and provides jobs to residents. From local marine manufacturers like SeaVee and Cigarette Racing (boats, engines, and accessories); to their suppliers, dealers and retailers; to services such as repairs and marinas; boating activities and trips; and business tax revenue, the impacts of recreational boating on Miami-Dade County are hugely beneficial to our community.
To purchase tickets to the Miami International Boat Show and get a firsthand view of just how big our local recreational boating industry is, please click here.