Table of Contents
Thank you for accepting our invitation to attend tomorrow’s One Community One Goal Report to the Community Event at Marlins Park. Click here to view program for tomorrow’s event.
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About One Community One Goal (OCOG)
The purpose of One Community One Goal is to provide Miami-Dade County with a roadmap for its future economic development success. It offers strategic recommendations aimed at creating an environment where significant job creation occurs with a focus on new higher-paying jobs in target industries. It is a community-wide effort that provides a unified vision for long-term economic growth in Miami-Dade County.
About The Miami-Dade Beacon Council
The Miami-Dade Beacon Council is Miami-Dade County’s official economic development partnership. The not-for-profit public-private organization focuses on job creation and economic growth. Since 1985, the organization has assisted more than 1,000 businesses that have created nearly 70,000 direct jobs and added more than $4.6 billion in new capital investments. It accomplishes this by marketing Miami-Dade as a world-class business location, growing local companies and fostering entrepreneurs, and shaping the County’s economic future.
To learn more about Advantage Miami, visit our new website.