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The Honorable Oliver Gilbert, III

Miami-Dade County Commissioner, District 01

There’s no place like home and everyday Oliver Gilbert gets to wake up serving his hometown, Miami Gardens, as its Mayor.

Oliver’s love for his community began at birth in his beloved neighborhood – the Bahas; the neighborhood he still resides in with his son, Oliver IV.  At an early age, Oliver decided that he would make his hometown proud.

Graduating from Miami Norland Senior High School, Oliver took his talents and enrolled at Florida A&M University.  After completing Florida A&M, he returned home to attend the University of Miami School of Law where he graduated with honors.

Shortly after law school graduation, Oliver’s career in government and politics began.  Serving as the Legislative Aide for State Representative Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall was the first step into a life of service and giving back.  From the State Representative’s Office to serving as the Deputy of Policy for Florida State Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Reno, Oliver’s quick wit, smarts, and infectious smile caught the attention of all those who encountered him.

Upon completion of the gubernatorial race, Oliver headed to the Broward County State Attorney’s Office where he served as an Assistant State Attorney.  As one of the leading prosecutors, Oliver’s record was one of being tough but fair.

It was inevitable that Oliver would return to his beloved hometown to serve when it was incorporated as a City in 2003.  Prior to him running for office, Oliver worked to ensure that the incorporation came to fruition.  In 2008, Oliver was appointed to the Miami Gardens City Council, and later that year he ran to retain his seat.   He served in this capacity until 2012.  In 2012, Oliver was elected as the second Mayor of Miami Gardens and is currently serving his second term, having been re-elected in August and December of 2016.

If being Mayor is not enough, Oliver stays busy serving as a leader and member of various organizations. He is President and Executive Committee Member of the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, an executive board member of the Miami-Dade County Transportation Planning Organization, First Vice President and member of the African-American Mayor’s Association’s Board of Trustees, Advisory Board member of the United States Conference of Mayors, and a BMe Community Leader.  He is also a member of the Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXVI; member of North County Citizen’s Association; the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University National Alumni Association; the Sigma Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated; and Miami Fellows – Class V.