The Miami-Dade Beacon Council Board of Directors provides leadership and governance for the 501(C6) organization. The volunteer leaders are among the community’s leading business and community professionals representing various industries, educational institutions, nonprofits, and local governments.
Officers Cabinet
Board Members
Founders and Past Chairs
Founded in 1985, The Beacon Council was led by tri-Chairman Sidney Levin, Theodore Hoepner, and Merrett R. Stierheim. Together they championed the need for a public-private partnership that would guide and enhance Greater Miami’s economic development. Their commitment and tireless dedication to this community has been honored year after year by a series of trusted leaders that have each championed Miami and the work of The Beacon Council. Thank you for your vision and invaluable contributions to our shared success. The Beacon Council – and our community – is better because of you.
1985-1986 Theodore Hoepner*†
1985-1986 Sidney Levin*†
1986-1987 David R. Parker
1987-1988 Merrett R. Stierheim*†
1988-1989 Robert Epling†
1989-1990 Phil de Montmollin
1990-1991 Governor Jeb Bush
1991-1992 Burton Landy
1992-1993 Modesto Maidique, Ph.D.
1993-1994 Williams Myers†
1994-1995 Carlos Palomares
1995-1996 Robert Beatty
1996-1997 Carol Wyllie
1997-1998 Adolfo Henriques
1998-1999 George Foyo
1999-2000 Fred Messing
2000-2001 Mario del Valle
2001-2002 Tom Cornish
2002-2003 Robin Reiter
2003-2004 Calixto Garcia-Velez
2004-2005 Benjamin J. Mollere
2005-2006 Neisen Kasdin
2006-2007 Angel Medina Jr.
2007-2008 Pete Pizarro
2008-2009 Tere Blanca
2009-2010 Alexandra Villoch
2010-2011 Jack Lowell†
2011-2012 Alan Becker†
2012-2013 Joe Pallot
2013-2014 Sheldon Anderson
2014-2015 Donna Abood
2015-2016 Ernie Diaz
2016-2017 Jaret Davis
2017-2018 Nelson Lazo
2018-2019 Penny Shaffer, Ph.D.
2019-2020 Hugo Castro
2020-2021 Gary Goldfarb
2021-2022 George Bermudez
2022-2023 Yolanda Cash Jackson
*1985 Co-Founders
“Communities, like the individuals who inhabit them, require direction. Dade County is no exception., particularly in the area of economic development… [T]he Beacon Council project has allowed a consensus to build within the community, an acknowledgment of our strengths, and a recognition that we must coordinate our diverse interests into planned action to address our future needs. As a result of the Beacon Council effort, the new organization now has a plan of action, a sense of direction. The tremendous effort that resulted in the strategic plan must now be embraced by the entire community. Together, we can attain the goals set forth in this plan and propel our community to the greatness it so richly deserves.”
— Sidney Levin, Theodore Hoepner, and Merrett R. Stierheim, Tri-Chairman, The Beacon Council, November 15, 1985
In Memoriam
Merrett R. Steirheim (1933-2024)
Beacon Council Founding Co-Chairman, 1985; Board Chair 1987-1988
John “Jack” Lowell, Jr. (1943-2024)
Beacon Council Board Chair 2010-2011